Advance Planning

Gleasures find that more and more people are interested in pursuing this option. “It gives them great relief to see their own exact wishes in writing” says Graham. “Whether it’s choosing the church or deciding on the hymns, the cemetery, the flowers, the coffin or the announcements, it’s all based on their personal choice”.

It can avoid some of the difficult decisions for those left behind – at what can be a difficult time for all concerned. Some people choose to finalise their arrangements there and then – and pay forthe funeral in advance. Such funerals are deemed to be paid in full, even if they occur many years afterwards. Those who have made their own funeral arrangements are advised to inform their next-of-kin that their plans are with Gleasures – where the team will keep their instructions safe and readily accessible.

Advance Planning

It is possible for anyone to make arrangements for a funeral in advance of a death and set aside monies to pay for the funeral.
Our staff will go through the different options available such as cremation and burial. You will be able to inform the director about what kind of service that you would like and ensure that your wishes are carried out. All details can be finalised such as the type of service required, music, flowers, newspaper notices etc. After you have made your decisions on the arrangements you will be given an estimate of funeral expenses at today’s prices. You will then be advised to lodge that amount in an interest-bearing Deposit Account in your chosen Bank, Credit Union or Post Office. You should advise the Manager that the purpose of the account is to pay for your Funeral Expenses. When the time comes we will carry out your arrangements as requested and the expenses will be covered through your deposit account. However, it is necessary to make contact with us each year to ensure that the quote of funeral expenses is up to date with today’s prices. If there has been an increase in expenses, this amount should be lodged into your account.
If you wish to arrange a funeral in advance please contact us and we will arrange an appointment for you.